Clothes are a fundamental form of self-expression. 衣服是一种基本的自我表现形式。
Business terms: A business term is the most fundamental form of a business rule. 业务术语:业务术语(businessterm)是最基本形式的业务规则。
This note deals with the compact minimal submanifolds in a unit sphere, the Laplaciano f the square of the length of the second fundamental form is calculated and estimated. 研究单位球面上具有平行平均曲率向量的紧致子流形,得到了一个积分不等式和一个关于第二基本形式模长平方的拼挤定理。
Second fundamental form of a surface 曲面的第二基本形式
First fundamental form of surface 曲面的第一基本形式
Verbal communication is the most fundamental form of human communication. 言语交际是人类最基本的交际形式之一。
Seam binding is the most fundamental form seam binding but the need to neaten the raw edges of the binding makes its use more difficult. 止口条是这道工序最基本的形式。斜滚边是滚边发展而来的,但需要修剪滚边的毛边,这使得它做起来比较难。
The researches are based on state feedback which is the fundamental form of control structure. 这些方面的研究都是围绕状态反馈基本控制结构形式展开的。
Normal Curvature Disappeared Submanifolds with Parallel Second Fundamental Form 具有平行第二基本形式且法曲率张量场消失的子流形
The first fundamental form on the ellipsoidal surface and its three coefficients are deduced by the geodesic coordinate. 导出了以新大地坐标来表述的地球椭球面的第一基本形式并确定其系数;
And a pinching theorem about the square of the length of the second fundamental form has been obtained. 得到了一个关于第二基本形式模长平方的Pinching定理。
Fundamental form and some kinds of deformations about TEM horn antenna which often be used in the time domain have been summarized, some kinds of its difference feed means have been introduced. 对时域中常常采用的TEM喇叭天线的基本形状和几种变形进行了综述,并给出了几种不同的馈电方式。
The definition of the duality connection of the flat affine connection is given and the representations of the shape operator S, the affine fundamental form h and the transversal connection form τ are obtained. 本文给出了平坦仿射联络的对偶联络的定义,并推导出形状算子S~、仿射基本形h~以及横截联络形式r~的表示式。
Governance is a fundamental form for human societies to administer public affairs, to solve public problems and to provide public service. 治道,就是人类社会治理公共事务、解决公共问题、提供公共服务的基本模式。
In this paper, we discuss 2-harmonic isometric immersions in a sphere with parallel mean curvature vector. Conditions to become into a minimal immersion and pinching theorems on the second fundamental form are obtained. 本文讨论了单位球面中具平行平均曲率向量的2-调和等距浸入,获得其成为极小浸入的充分条件和关于第二基本形式的Pinching定理。
The third fundamental form of a surface is the representation on the surface for the first fundamental form of a sphere. 曲面的第三基本形式是球面的第一基本形式在曲面上的表示。
As a mode of collective education, classroom teaching is the most important and fundamental form in our school education, which plays a very important role in cultivating modern talents in a large scale. 课堂教学作为一种集体教学组织形式,是学校教育最主要、最基本的形式,它对大规模现代人才的培养起着极其重要的作用。
Its fundamental form has the chain pattern, alliance pattern, suppositional platform pattern, network to wrap up the pattern and network enterprise incubator, technology laboratory complex etc. besides the pattern, transverse direction being innovative suppose integration mainly; 它的基本形态主要有链式模式、联盟模式、虚拟平台模式、网络创新模式、横向虚拟一体化外包模式和网络企业孵化器、技术实验室联合体等;
Abstract The fundamental form of religion has two levels& the internal and external, the former consisting of three kinds of elements, i.e. dogmatic system, cultivation system and psychological structure of religion; 宗教的基本形态应从内在和外在两个层次来看,其中内在形态由宗教的教义体系、宗教的修道体系和宗教的心理结构三种要素构成;
The purpose and permanent of law reflect in Humanism is the supreme yardstick of apprising a law, human right is the fundamental form of existed law. 法对正义、平等和权利的追求体现着法的目的和归宿。人是法律评价的最高尺度,人的权利是法存在的最基本形式。
In this paper some aspects of distribution function of beam intensity including its origin, fundamental form, applicable extension, and some problems that should be emphasized in applications are systematically discussed based on a series of special experiments. 本文结合一系列专题实验,系统地讨论了束强分布函数的来源、基本形式、适用范围及应用时应注意的一些问题。
In this paper, we discuss pinching questions of the length of the second fundamental form and the sectional curvatures of submanifolds with parallel mean curvature in a locally symmetric and conformally flat Riemannian manifold. 本文讨论了局部对称共形平坦黎曼流形中具有平行中曲率向量子流形的截面曲率和第二基本形式长度平方的Pinching问题。
With the view of considering understanding and interpretation as the fundamental form of being, hermeneutics exerts considerable influences on contemporary aesthetics and practices of fine arts in the West. 解释学是当代西方最引人注目的哲学思潮之一。它以理解和解释作为人的基本存在方式的核心观点对当代西方艺术理论及创作实践产生了重要影响。
In this paper, conditions about a constant mean curvature hypersurface with parallel second fundamental form in the sphere are researched, the theory of paper [ 1] is thus broadened. 本文研究了单位球面中具有平行第二基本形式常平均曲率超曲面的条件,此结果推广了引文[1]的结论。
The power of gender as the most fundamental form of power penetrates into the constitution of all powers, and therefore, the horizon of gender in fact opens a new perspective for the complicated symbolism for power mechanism in the new period literature. 性别权力作为权力的最基本形式渗透到一切权力的构成中。因此,性别视阈事实上开启一个透视新时期文学象征场域错综复杂的权力机制的新路径。
Submanifolds with conformal second fundamental form in a constant curvature space 常曲率空间中的具有共形第二基本形式的子流形
Then we obtain an integral inequality about the square of the norm of the second fundamental form S of submanifolds in a locally symmetric Riemann manifold and discuss its Pinching problem, which extend the conclusion of [ 6]. 接着在第二章中讨论了局部对称完备黎曼流形中一类子流形关于第二基本形式模长平方的积分不等式及其Pinching问题,从而推广了[6]中的结论。
Hypersurface of Constant Mean Curvature With Parallel Second Fundamental Form in The Sphere 球面中具有平行第二基本形式的常平均曲率超曲面
Supervision and management on the quality management system of pharmaceutical manufacturer is not only a management model for the starting point of the industry chain of the pharmaceutical industry, but also the most fundamental form of regulation. 在药品安全监督管理的全过程中,对药品生产企业质量管理体系的监管,是针对药品行业产业链最前端的管理模式,也是最根本的监管方式。
Denote by R, H and S the normalized scalar curvature, the mean curvature and the square of the length of the second fundamental form of Mn, respectively. 用R,H和S分别表示Mn的规范化数量曲率,平均曲率和第二基本形式模长平方。